QC Kinetix (Aurora IL)

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Non-Surgical Pain Treatment Clinic

4050 Healthway Dr, Suite 210
60504 Aurora, IL
United States

QC Kinetix (Aurora IL) provides non-surgical regenerative medicine treatments for joint pain to residents of Aurora, IL, and surrounding areas. Our biologic therapies are a perfect solution for anyone seeking alternatives to surgery for pain. If you're looking for a knee replacement, knee surgery, hip surgery, hip replacement, or relief from shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, plantar fasciitis, arthritis treatment, or treatment for sports injuries, call QC Kinetix to schedule a free consultation. We can help you get relief while avoiding surgery, so you can return to your normal life activities as quickly as possible.

Phone : (312) 809-5955

Website : https://qckinetix.com/chicago/aurora-il/

Business Email : contactqc@qckinetix.com

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N41° 45' 8.136" W88° 12' 55.296"
(41.75226, -88.21536)

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