If you wonder why your business is listed in this application
The place123 data is coming from public websites in the internet found by a special webcrawler.
This platform only links to other websites holding the original business data (e.g. Facebook, Foursquare, ..).
So, if you want the place123 data being updated you must change the information in the original website first.
Our intelligent webcrawler updates the data frequently.
You can see the data source on the place page in the section 'The place was found here:'.
Just click on that link to surf to the website where the original data comes from.

If our lists show outdated information you can send us an email with a change request!

If you have other questions or suggestions about this application you can post a litte message here:

Contact form

Our contacts for change requests

Ing. Norbert Kleininger
Rennerstrasse 13b
4614 Marchtrenk