1st Response Plumber

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Plumber, Water Damage Restoration

301 West 28th Street Suite L
91950 National City CA

1st Response Plumbing & Flood Damage in Chula Vista and San Diego does not merely claim to be 24-hour plumbing service, but we REALLY ARE A 24-hour emergency plumbing service! With more than 15 years of experience in the plumbing drains industry, we pride ourselves in offering the best, comprehensive plumbing drain services in San Diego and surrounding areas. As a locally-owned specialist drains plumbing company, we are experienced tackling both common and rare residential and commercial plumbing drain problems. We have a team of highly trained, expert, licensed and experienced technicians and drain plumbers who ensure the delivery of quick, efficient and high-quality services.

Phone: (858) 203-0930
Email: info@1stresponseplumber.com
Website: https://1stresponseplumber.com/

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N32° 39' 28.21572" E117° 6' 24.66972"
(32.6578377, 117.1068527)

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